Both boys appear headed for healthiness. Connor is on Singulair (yes, the adult drug, made for Tods too) to help his breathing - apparently when he gets sick, it tends to get hung up in his lungs - hopefully as he grows - he outgrow it. Carter caught a little bug - but we are guessing he will have less issues that Connor given he has yet to catch much outside of a cough and the snots. I would guess we have probably seen Connors doctor 20+ times in the past 18 months....hopefully, with tubes in the ears, that will be history - he already seems much happier and more content.
It is fun to watch him and his brother begin to interact - Carter is pretty envious of Connor - as he never takes his eyes off of him. They actually have begun to gigle back and forth with each other. However, Connor still can't resist the temptation to randomly give his brother a shot in the chops.
Connor hard a work at Carters 4-month check-up (can never sit still for more than 2 minutes)
Stretch (Connor) & Porkchop (Carter)
Disney shirt from Aunt Kathy...
Connor doesnt quite understand not everyone loves their binky...(Carter is not a big binky fan)