Monday, March 10, 2008

Long, Scary, Miserable Week

What started out as a pretty normal Sunday for us somehow morphed into one of the more miserable stretch of days in recent memory.

We had stopped by Schaumburg Home/Garden Show early in the day and then headed over to Buona for some lunch - Connor usually likes the place. However, he really had no interest and started to look lethargic. Time we got home he was breathing rapidly and a check of his temperature revealed 104.8. We dropped mommy and Carter off and Daddy and Connor headed out for Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove. I had figured it would be a quick in and out, the good old 'give him some tylenol' and we would be back home for diner. I could not have been more wrong. Within a couple hours it appeared I would be spending the night ... little did I know at that moment we would not be leaving for several more nights ...Wednesday to be specific.

To make this extremely long story short, doctors could not pinpoint the issue of the fevers nor rapid breathing, over the course of the 4 days we were there, Connor had the following things done to him (he is one tuff kid):

2 chest x-rays
1 chest ultrasound
1 head ultrasound
catheder up his penis
tubes jammed up his sinuses
3 blood drawing events
one non-stop 4 day IV
infectious diesease specialists
respitory specialists
4 diff pediatritions
and multiple talks of a spinal tap (luckily, it never came to that)

And in the ends up being a strain of Flu B and sinusitis....which I end up catching myself by Wednesday, making the week that much more joyful. Apparently, the rapid test they did on Sunday cam back negative...the more thorough test came back positive on Wednesday.
We still think Connor may have some sort of allergy or asthma that may have contributed to the breathing pace, so he is seeing a specialist tomorrow. However, all Flu symptoms appear to have run their course.

All in all, goes to show we all take health for when you dont have it, it totally shuts your life down and severly restricts you. It is easy to see how those without at least one flexible job or good benefits can quickly lose ground.

The jumbo card is from all his teachers and friends at school - do you notice anyone under the card???

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