Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Moved In (to the rental)

Well, 1 week into the new place and a bit of a new routine is forming. Connor still having a bit of a struggle w/ the new school, but each day seems to be getting back to normal more and more. His vocabulary is expanding more and more everyday, fun ti hear the words he puts together.

Do to all the chaos of moving- Connor turned two kind of quietly, but somehow managed to get 2 cakes over two weekends...one with Grandma Fitz and the other with Grandma Cook (Connor does not turn down a cake).

We will get plenty of walking in at the new house...I think we have made the walk downtown nearly everyday so far. Is nice to walk down for dinner, park, river, etc, and head up back home.

Thanks to Grandma Cook and Aunt Carolyn for coming down to lend a hand this weekend. The boys had a good time. Connor especially liked the Mickey Mouse cake from Aunt Carolyn and the Mickey Mouse pancakes at Butterfields in Naperville.

While we were cameraless on Sunday, Connor went on a few amusement park rides for the first time with his cousins at the Taste of Westmont...he was very hesitant and always wanted "daddee" to go on with him, but I am too big for most. He did great - but sorry, no pics.

Connor says thanks to grandma for the pool - he went it in on Sunday evening after the Westmont fest. It looked rather white trash as they both went in with their clothes on...oh well. And thanks to aunt carolyn for the toddler rake and broom - now he can help even more!!

Short update - but too busy and tired for more (just got back from a 4 mile run...really nice running in this area - not trapped in cul-de-sac).

Free Mickey Mouse Pancakes at Butterfields (and a free t-shirt!!)

Not sure if its Connor or Carters B-day

As good a family shot as we can get at the new rental...(1930's luxury)

Cake boy

If Mickey is President, Elmo is Vice President.

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