Thursday, April 3, 2008


An update that literally comes from left field...and really belongs in my other blog -but too crazy not to share in here.

On Monday I get an e-mail from the Naperville Sun newspaper. Turns out they had been following my other blog - about the teardown property - and they were very interested in getting in touch with me about possibly doing a story on it. Yes, very scary that my little blog could even garner that level of exposure.

Well, within a few days I was chatting with editors/reporters at the Sun. Appears they feel our "project" is one they would like to chronicle, as it shows the process as being done by "real" people" - not million dollar bankrolled custom builders. After previoulsy desiring (but never actually followng through) of pitching our project to HGTV for their DreamHouse series - I was more than happy to oblige the Naperville Sun. Further, I can now try to get some of my building consulting fees reduced by givng their company exposure to thousands in the paper.

So on Saturday morning - all of us (yes, myself, Bridget, Connor and Carter) have a photo shoot at our property. In addition, I have already spent an hour with a reporter going over the intial piece. Sounds like this could end up being a 3 or 4 article story over the course of our building process.

All in all...CRAZY...thank goodness I had not been ripping the Naperville city hall or permitting process.

I guess we will get a few doses of our 10 seconds of fame over the coming year - all because I was blogging away to what I thought was an audience of 5 or 10 people -- now it will be thousands of Sun readers. Yikers!!!!

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